5 Reasons to Request a Quick Loan from a Private Lender

Traditional lending institutions generally offer few solutions to people who need to deal with an urgent need for money, especially when these are borrowers with low credit scores. In these types of situations, it’s usually preferable to look for another option to obtain a loan quickly. Here are 5 reasons to turn to a private lender in order to get a quick loan.
Ease of access
Unlike conventional banks, which generally require an appointment and an unbelievable amount of documents and evidence to analyze a loan application, private lenders require very few supporting documents to grant or refuse to approve a loan. In addition, they don’t only approve employees working full-time, since they regularly finance other profiles that are usually denied by traditional banking institutions, such as self-employed workers, students, retirees, the unemployed, and people on maternity or parental leave, on a work stoppage, on sick leave, or on social assistance, as well as CSST, disability program, or pension plan beneficiaries.
Fast release of funds
One of the most significant advantages of borrowing from a private lender is the speed of the process. Unlike banks, which can take days or even weeks to approve a loan, private lenders often provide approval within hours. Once approved, the funds can be deposited into your account as quickly as the same day, making it ideal for emergencies like medical expenses or urgent repairs.
The no credit check loan
Private lenders are well aware that among the people who file quick loan applications are borrowers who have bad credit scores. Some offer no credit check loans—in other words, they ignore the applicant’s credit rating when making their decision. They look instead at the income earned and the existing debt and carefully examine the bank statements to determine if the borrower will be able to repay this new loan. If they determine that the income is sufficient and that the requested loan won’t place the borrower in a situation of over-indebtedness, and if they don’t see microloans or debts over the last three months, they usually grant the loan.
Simplified renewal
If no incident jeopardizes the repayment of the initial loan, it’s very easy to request a renewal: a simple request email is usually enough to obtain one.
No supporting documents to provide
As private lenders don’t require the presentation of supporting documents, you can use the borrowed money as you please, whether it’s to pay an urgent bill or even to treat yourself to a romantic weekend getaway.
In many situations, and particularly in the case of an urgent need for money, turning to a private lender lets you get yourself out of an uncomfortable financial situation. However, you should be careful to only resort to this type of financing in case of emergency: indeed, these quick loans are accompanied by high interest rates and sometimes administrative fees and ultimately wind up being very expensive.